Friday, February 24, 2012

So many things.....

I have a lot of little things to blog about. My sweet friend, Beth, and I put together a super cute party for her 3 year old daughter. But I will put those in another post for another day.

Today....I have so many things to be thankful for. Every day I have so many things to be thankful for. But today, in the midst of trying to pack up my house....these are the things I'm pondering....

I'm cleaning out my closet because my dear friends are organizing a ladie's clothing swap to raise money for our adoption. I am overwhelmed by their care of our family and their excitement about adoption.

My precious friend, Anna, has a daughter who is almost 5. Yesterday, Anna graciously kept my child so I could clean a house. When I came to pick up Kaplan, Anna's daughter brought out a can that had been made into a bank. She had change in it that she was trying to get out. Anna told me that Lizzy has been doing jobs to earn money, to give to us, to help pay for our baby. How do I even express the sweetness of that. I tried to tell Jamie about it and could hardly choke out the words.

I'm packing up our house to move. What an abundant grace to be able to buy a house. This is something we've learned over the last few years is a privilege. When before, we didn't necessarily see it as a privilege, but just something that everyone does. I am thanking God for opening our eyes, through difficult circumstances, to see it as such. Becuase in doing so, He has grown our compassion, and that is always a good thing.

It is the Lenten season. God is really working on me....and it is hard! I prayed for the Lord to reveal to me an area in my life that needed renewal, refinement, restoration....and how that would relate to an area of sacrifice for Lent. I feel like He showed me that I needed to focus on an area of my life that seems huge....the area of my words. I am trying, by the grace of God, to refrain from all negative speech. Complaining, sarcasam, and slander of any sort. And it has been very humbling to see how much I have been silent. I have many more thoughts on this, that maybe I'll blog about later....but I am so thankful for Gods care for me as He is showing me my sin.

Over the next month and a half, we are moving, have three adoption fundraisers planned, and in the midst of the adoption process. Where I am tempted to feel overwhelmed, I am trying to practice gratitude. And what is happening, is that I am being overwhelmed instead by God's many graces and kindnesses. This is a precious gift. I am thankful that His mercies are new each morning.

Thanks for listening...

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