Monday, November 7, 2011

A Birthday Party Surprise

We are so blessed to live in wondeful community with our church family. It is something that I can sometimes take for granted. Sometimes I forget that not everyone has such a deep community of believers to do life together with. I am very, very grateful to be able to walk through life's journey with a number of people.

It just so happens that some of our dearest friends live right behind us. We have been friends with the Roberts for many years and last year when we hauled all our junk from the country to the city, we were lucky enough to find an awesome house to rent pretty much in the Roberts backyard. We are seperated by a fence and an alley. It has literally taken our friendship to a whole new level. We know things about that family that other people probably shouldn't know! And vice versa! One of the most exciting things that has happened since living behind this dear family is getting to walk through their adoption process with them.

I don't talk about adoption a lot on this blog (because I don't blog very much!), but it is something very near and dear to our hearts. I was adopted as a baby and our sweet boy was brought to us through adoption almost three years ago. The Roberts walked through our adoption adventure side by side with us, and we were overjoyed when they decided to add another little one to their brood through the miracle of adoption.

About a month ago, it was David and Angie's birthdays. Their birthdays are just a few days a part. We decided to have some of our close friends over for a little birthday soriee for the two of them. Everyone had childcare! That like never happens because there are like 20 children between all of us! It was the beginning of fall, so we thought a little backyard fire pit and smores action would be super fun! All the plans were set, everyone could come, all the food was bought! And then, party day.....the Roberts family gets THE CALL!!! It was 10:00 that morning that Angie called me with the news! And they had to go and pick up the sweet little guy at 1:00 that same afternoon!

Obviously we were completely over the moon excited! But the details of all the people coming over for the party had to be thought about. We all decided to go ahead with the party. And I'm so thankful we did. When David and Angie got home, they got to walk across the backyard and celebrate their birthdays (all three of them!) and six of their friends got to celebrate this adorable baby boy and share in their joy!

I really do love parties. And this one may just go down in the books as my most favorite.

This is Angie with her sweet bundle of joy! Just beautiful.

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